Review: Brian Johnson – Love Came Down


Being a Worship Pastor I hear a good number of “worship” songs throughout the day. Along with writing our own songs at Cornerstone I’m always looking for new tunes that give our church a fresh voice. Recently I was researching a song we’re implementing at Cornerstone and came across Brian Johnson. I have to say I’m rather impressed!

Now, I’m not the guy who’s totally cynical about church music, although I will admit there’s a corporate vibe that really stinks up the air these days. Most of the complaints I hear center around worship music is that it lacks “real” creativity or that its  “just like every other worship song.” Heck, Hillsong has built the perfect template for hit songs, why wouldn’t we just rip it off? I’m not advocating that method at all, but it certainly happens and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to clone it myself.

Ok, so on to Brian Johnson’s, Love Came Down. For all the haters out there, this album tramples every critique you could throw at it. Here’s what I love about it:

1. Musically it’s extremely simple. Acoustic guitar, piano, cello, percussion and a room of worshipers singing along. No electric guitars using a DL4 to add that worshipful U2/Coldplay vibe we all love so much. In fact there isn’t a fast or driving song on the album to string your emotions along. It’s very simple and honest.

2. It’s creative in it’s own right. Somewhere along the way we’ve bought into the lie that creative means “different.” This album isn’t anything new or mind blowing,  but it is brilliantly creative in what was left out of the project. In fact I’d argue that creativity is more about an honest presentation than the latest Radio Head album.

3. Video. The addition of video re-shapes the entire project for me. I’ve sat in front of my Mac Book for the past 30 minutes watching the youtube clips ( of each song. There is just something about giving the listener eyes to see the project in it’s original context. It also gives the listener/viewer the opportunity to engage the project in the same way those sitting along the outside wall did in the studio.

So, I find this album very refreshing. I love the unhyped, honest and worshipful vibe it carries. It might not change the world or sell 100k units, but it is leading my into the presence of God and reminding me worship music is best in the local church.

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